Become A Member Of The Kenya Cardiac Society.
Life-long learning and improved professional standards.

Benefits for KCS Members

The field of medicine is always in a state of change. Healthcare professionals need to keep up with the newest developmental & scientific breakthroughs though our society.
The Free/ sponsored seminars, journals, CME courses and other education opportunities provided to our members are immeasurable. Additionally, we offer all of the certification courses you will need throughout your entire career in the cardiovascular realm.
Our professional organization also provides access to mentors, giving you an opportunity to participate in mentoring others as well. Having a mentor in any field will help your career grow and thrive.
Continuous professional development
With the education, we offer continuing profession development (CPD) through various CME’s, publications, seminars and annual scientific conferences..
Strength in numbers
As one individual, you may feel you have relatively little power to effect change. But membership in a large organization of like-minded professionals can help you not only advocate for the issues that matter to you, but often see major results.

An avenue for change
Joining our society, we work for your best interests. This will not only allow you to support the causes that matter to you, but it provides an outlet where your voice as a professional is heard.
A physical network
Our society membership will provide you with fulfilling relationships, professional networking and leadership opportunities, career advancement leads, and easy access to recommendations, resources & advice on a wealth of business or patient care topics. It could win you some new patient referrals from fellow members and help you make a difference in the future of your industry.
Classes of Membership
There are different classes of membership for people that want to get involved with KCS activities at different levels and in various capacities. This page explains each kind of member that there is and will help you know what kind of membership is for you.
1. Full Membership
This membership is open to:
- Cardiologists practising in Kenya.
- Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons practising in Kenya.
- Cardiovascular pathologists practising in Kenya.
- Cardiovascular anaesthesiologists practising in Kenya.
- Cardiovascular pharmacologists practising in Kenya.
- Cardiovascular epidemologists practising in Kenya.
- Other medical specialists actively involved in cardiovascular work in Kenya.
- Any scientist with interest in cardiovascular medicine or surgery.

2. Medical Officers & registrars membership.
This membership is open to:
- members.
3. Associate Membership.
This membership is open to:
- Cardiovascular perfusionists.
- Cardiovascular technicians and technologists.
- Cardiovascular care nurses in the Intensive Care Units, cardiothoracic or cardiology units, wards theatres or any other cardiovascular area.
- Cardiocasbular and thoracic clinic officers.
- Any other paramedical staff involved in cardiovascular medicine or surgery.

4. Honorary Membership.
This membership is open to any person who has shown a recognizable interest in the Society by regular contacts, participation in the Society’s activities or by a direct or indirect assistance to the Society. Examples include:
- Former member who is no longer practising in Kenya.
- Lay person e.g. businessman or politician etc.
- Local or international companies or organisations.
- Any non-Kenyan medical professional be he/she a surgeon, cardiologist, anaesthesiologist,etc. who has an interest in cardiovascular health.